Randolph M. McLaughlin, Co-Chair of our Civil Rights Practice Group, and
Professor at the
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, was featured in an exclusive interview which highlighted his impact on
students and his contributions to the civil rights field.
Known as a prominent civil rights activist, professor, and attorney, McLaughlin pioneered new legal strategies to address incidents of racism, police misconduct, voting-rights irregularities, and much, much more.
When asked how he manages to work with students full-time while maintaining a heavy case load, the good Professor noted:
"Whenever possible I involve students in that work. My students have served as active members of a trial team, participating in the writing of briefs, and sitting in the courtroom with the other attorneys. I involve the students in all aspects of the case and share with them my strategies as we pursue justice for our clients."
And, interestingly, some of the very cases he has worked on, and individuals he has represented, are being highlighted in an upcoming feature film and documentary. (More news about that, soon.)
In the interim, our thanks to the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University for publishing this piece in its Summer 2022 Edition of the Haub Law Alumni Magazine.
And we extend our sincerest congratulations to Professor McLaughlin and all the members of our Civil Rights Practice Group.
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The full interview can be found here: https://issuu.com/pacelawpubs/docs/elisabeth_haub_school_of_law_alumni_magazine_2022?mode=window
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If you have a civil rights issue or question, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our team, by calling 212-619-5400.